
Just added this as I love the mix of media and different types of animation. Would love to get this good……



Artist/Creator: jot. Motion + Design

Animation Test

Did another little animation test today of the light bulb in my original storyboard.  Just did some rough hand drawn slides using a light box and then scanned them in and recoloured using photoshop.

I then merged them into a gif and converted it into an mp4 so I could upload it.

Not brilliant but good as a test.  Takes such a long time to draw each slide and only lasts a few seconds when played.  This was 13 slides in all.

Fabric Lenny

This is the second Workshop we have had with Fabric Lenny –  This workshop was using stop motion with an ipad.

Here are some of the images from the workshop:

This workshop was great fun, I prefer a more hands-on approach.  It appeals to my liking of 3D =)

Here is are the final run of animations by all groups.  The old lady posting the envelope was my contribution.

Types of Animation

These are some of the different types of Animation that I have found.  I don’t think we will use all all of these but it is nice to see the various methods available. My apologies if I have missed any major ones out but these were the main ones I found.

Traditional Animation or Classic 2D Animation.

Digital 2D animation.

Digital 3D Animation.

Stop Motion.

Mechanical Animation.

Audio-Animatronics and Autonomatronics.



Clay Animation or Claymation.


Cut-out Animation.

Sand Animation.

Typography Animation.

Paint on Glass.

Draw on Film or acetate.

Erasure Animation.

Pinscreen Animation.

Flip  Book Animation.

Making Text Move

I would like to find out how to properly animate text in After Effects but I am having a major headache with it at the moment.  I can get text to move but not in the way I want it to.  There are so many effects that you can apply and they also can be combined which alters them again.

So far this is all I have managed:

I think lots more video tutorials are called for!!

Random characters

Very quick practice sketches to try and a. get quicker at drawing and b. try out a few different face shapes.  I have a major problem with storyboards as I can happily draw a character but then find it very difficult to recreate the same character for the following slides.  Maybe a light box and tracing might be an idea?


Making Characters

This really came before I decided to amend the storyboard but I just thought I would post it anyway for anyone that is thinking of going 3D and making characters:

This was my attempt at making the little girl from Mann’s storyboard.  She never got finished – she’s still missing legs and a proper head with hair but I might get round to finishing her one day.

It was quite fun to do, but quite a lot of work for it never to get used.  Shows you need to finalise the story before diving in and starting to make stuff.

Amended Storyboard

Trying to consider how we might combine storyboards so her are the very rough amended storyboards I have done.

I have based them on Mann’s original boards but tried to add in elements of Danny’s board and my own.  We felt that the ending of Mann’s story was maybe too fantasy like, considering it was aimed at teachers so my thought was to try and make it more real by having the little girl become a deep sea diver rather than gain wings and become a fairy.


Not sure if this will work but just an idea.