Francis Hatch

Another fab workshop, this time by Francis Hatch.  This was a workshop very different from any I had been to before.  We were asked to draw to music.  Firstly of her choice, then of our own choice, then swap headphones and draw influenced by someone else’s music.  We used sticks, brushes, hands, chalk, string, many different types of media.  It was lovely to go so large and be so free with the shapes and colours.

At first I thought that the combined efforts of everyone together had made such a disjointed artwork but when you focussed in and took photo’s of different sections there were some really interesting things going on,

I love the way Francis works by painting with ‘found’ media in whatever setting she happens to be.  It creates some very earthy colours and I feel this brings you closer to nature creates some beautifully free artwork, some of which happens by chance purely as it would in a natural setting.

Artwork to music

Artwork to music

Combined efforts

Combined efforts

2015-03-10 12.22.47

Sections of the finished piece

Sections of the finished piece

2015-03-10 12.24.28 2015-03-10 12.25.12 2015-03-10 12.25.25

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